UX Writing Challenge: Day 5 — No Ambiguity

2 min readJul 1, 2020


Yes… we’re already in Day 5!

UX Writing Challenge: Day 5 ini sebenernya lumayan rada mirip sama challenge Day 4, dengan menentukan Headline, Body and Button, namun kali ini karakternya dikurangi dikit dan beda case pastinya. Langsung aja kuy!

source: pinterest — dribble (Zach Graham)

Pernah nggak sih waktu lagi asik ngerjain sesuatu dari smartphone, misal kayak lagi ngetik panjang lebar, gambar banyak hal, eh… tiba-tiba HP restart sendiri. Berharapnya sih “Semoga yang tadi dikerjain nggak hilang, bisa di-restore, please?” — biasanya pilihan ini ada kalau kita lagi browsing atau ngerjain tugas di Microsoft Office, terutama pada versi desktop.

So, as UX Writer, could we make the experience better?

Challenge Day 5

As far I know in my daily apps, I never found this case. I usually found it already saved then when I opened the app again, no notification about that, just the changes has already been saved.

These are my opinions about that.



The last change was not saved yet.

Oops, many changes before

Body: Your last activity seems many things already done, but it is not saved yet. Do you want to restore it now?

Buttons: Restore | New Project

I have two option with the headline, ’cause both describe about the things that we already do something in our document but the apps force close because of the phone abruptly turn off. The second option, I start to put a little bit emotion (like: ‘oops’). In the body section, I describe the previous copy then ask to user what they wanna do after know about it, and absolutely for the button they could choose to ‘Restore’ or just start with ‘New Project’.

Alhamdulillah, it’s done again! To be honest, sejauh ini sebenernya masih belum tau pasti challenge yang sudah dikerjakan sebelumnya bener atau nggak.

Anyway, based on the clue after finished this challenge, they said:

If you can save, recover or reproduce the content the user thought that they had lost, let them know that fact right away. Say it confidently and with no ambiguity.

Our app failed but your content was saved.


What do you think? Are there any ambiguity in my copies? Let me know what you think about it, and it would be my pleasure.

Thank you :)




Writing is kind of my sharing sesion to everyone. User Experience enthusiast, perfume and culinary as well.